Restorative Justice is a way to help repair some of the damage caused by crime and conflict.  In Restorative Justice Practices, the focus is on the person(s) who was harmed, how they were harmed and what needs to be done to repair this damage.  The repair is the obligation of the person (s) who created the harm. Restorative justice focuses on understanding the harm caused by a crime, encouraging the offender to take responsibility, identifying ways to repair the harm, and preventing it from happening again. The needs and perspectives of those affected by the crime are central to the work that we do.

Watch this 3 minute video about why we need Restorative Justice;

To learn more about Restorative Justice:

Zehr, Howard. (2002)  The Little Book of Restorative Justice. The Little Books of Justice and Peacebuilding.

Braithwaite, John. (2001) Restorative Justice and Responsive Regulation. Oxford University Press 

Lewellyn, Jennifer and Daniel Philpott (2014) Restorative Justice, Reconciliation, and Peacebuilding 

Roche, Declan (2004) Accountability in Restorative Justice 

Strang, Heather (2004) Repair or Revenge Victims and Restorative Justice 

van Wormer, K. S. & L. Walker (2013). (Eds.), Restorative justice today: Practical applications

Strang, H. & Braithwaite, J. (2001). Restorative Justice and Civil Society, Living Justice Press

Pranis, Kay (2003) Peacemaking Circles: From Crime to Community

Burford, Gale, & Joe Hudson (2007). Family group conferencing: New directions in community-centered child and family practice (Google eBook) (hardback 2000 Aldine de Gruyter

John Braithwaite: Timing of Truth, Justice and Reconciliation' in R King, V. MacGill & R. Wescombe (eds.) Peace in Action: Practices, perspectives and policies that make a difference